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Privacy Policy


Kathy Stelfox Counselling is Regulated by the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (also referred to as BACP).



If you have a complaint about my work, this should be directed to the BACP, the body responsible for issues of professional conduct. 


GDPR / Privacy Policy

​I will record and securely store personal details about clients in accordance with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR 2018) and the UK Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018).

Information Commissioner’s Website (ICO) or by calling 0303 123 1113. 


The client information form that I retain for clients is necessary to the provision of good and ethical services by the service and I will require your Name, DOB, address, contact number(s), email address(s), GP details, medication details any other information you feel is relevant or necessary.


All personal data provided and stored, clinical notes taken and stored, and our counselling work together, are completely confidential. However, I do have a professional and legal obligation to protect yours and others well-being as contracted with the client during the assessment and start of counselling sessions to adhere to legal limitations i.e. The Children's Act, The Terrorism Act, the Drug Trafficking and Money Laundering Act. Under GDPR I will only share personal information you have given me if there is:


1. An immediate risk of significant harm to you or others, or serious criminal undertaking.

2. A legal requirement - as above or;

3. If required by a court order.


There are also ethical limitations to confidentiality. If I believed that you were a serious danger to yourself. By this I mean you are displaying signs of serious suicidal intent, or posing harm to others, or if you were in serious danger, then I might need to discuss breaking confidentiality with you, and potentially contact the police i.e. to request a police welfare check to an address. I would openly share any concerns I had with you and hope to work to keep yourself and others safe. If we were unable to agree a way forward, I might have to breach confidentiality and seek support from your GP and any other relevant agencies to help keep you safe.


Consent to share your information - Upon client agreement and instruction, I may contact other professionals who may be able to provide additional support where necessary.


Clinical Notes

At the end of each client session I will record clinical notes of what has occurred within the session. This is to ensure the maintenance of good standards of practice for all my clients. Clinical notes will be stored in a secure filing system, which is separate from personal information and maintained to protect individual’s anonymity at my residence. Only I have access to these clinical notes.


Client Telephone numbers

The client’s phone number will be stored on my mobile phone, which is dual passworded using a number code and thumb print to gain access. The client’s details are deleted once the counselling sessions have come to an end.


Clinical Trustee

In accordance with the BACP ethical framework point 42. If I, for any reason, become suddenly debilitated, then my clinical trustee will get in touch with my current active clients to inform them of what has occurred and will arrange for my clients to receive continued support.​


Our agreement

The entire therapeutic relationship is built on trust and openness between you (the client) and I (the counsellor), please ensure you’re happy with our agreement before signing the Contract and feel free to ask questions wherever necessary. The Contract is sent to the client after the initial assessment has been completed and before counselling commences.


Explicit Client Understanding

All clients have access to this Privacy Policy as contained within the contract, signed by client and counsellor.

By signing and commencing work together, it is deemed that the client has explicit acknowledgment and understanding of this policy and the contract they are signing.

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